Chapter 5 Critical Thinking Blog
Discuss the ramifications of the following statement: Once a
memo or any other document leaves your hands, you have essentially published it.
“Don’t send anything you wouldn’t want published.” Emails
are just like telephone calls or in person conversation. Email creates a
permanent record that does not go away even when deleted. Every message is a
corporate communication that can be used against you or your employer. Don’t write
anything that you wouldn’t want your boss, your family, or a judge to read.
We communicate through email 90% of the time for
documentation purposes. Any type of
request requires an email for documentation of request and approval. We don’t have
a clock in system so we require lots of documentation supporting our work day.
We use emails to clock in and out, leave requests, following up, approval
letters, sending memorandums, inquiries, and conversation in the workplace. It
is important to proofread what you send because once it is sent, it is in the
reader’s hands and it is a permanent record.